Relevant and accessible information hubs are essential to meeting the needs of a community in a democracy.
Oral Health Nevada will serve as a trusted resource providing up-to-date, relevant, and research-based oral health information and technical assistance to our partners, policy makers, and residents.
Note: The resources are regularly updated, so check-back frequently for what’s new!
Consumer Resources and Education: The resources are listed by topic in alphabetical order. Some resources are educational fact sheets or links to other reliable websites, and others may be a video or presentation. Each is useful to assist in empowering all Nevadans to have the best oral health possible.
Dental and Health Professionals: These resources are targeted toward dental and health professionals including but not limited to physicians, pediatricians, nurses practitioners and nurses, physician assistants, nutritionists, social workers and students studying in the health professions.
Stakeholder and Policy Maker: 1. these resources include information that is specific to Nevada including state oral health reports and national reports where Nevada is included and/or the information is relevant to Nevada dental health policy; and 2. there is an INTERACTIVE MAP that allows policy and decision makers to see what oral health resources including access to dental care are available to their constituents.
Ask a Dental Hygienist: Offers the opportunity to ask a question about dental health and have it answered by a licensed dental professional.
Oral Health Nevada Newsletter: This is a bi-monthly newsletter that includes local, state and national news on dental health issues.