Tooth decay is the #1 chronic childhood illness.
Dental Disease Statistic
Dental disease has been linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, pneumonia, and poor pregnancy outcomes.
Tooth Decay Statistic
Tooth decay is an infectious chronic disease, which is also 100% preventable.
School Hours Statistic
In the US, more than 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental disease, leading to increased educational disparities.
Work Hours Statistic
In the US, 164 million work hours are lost each year due to dental disease, leading to decreased productivity.
Dental Effects Statistic
Left untreated, dental disease can lead to malnourishment, bacterial infections, required emergency surgery and even death.
Oral Cancer Statistic
In the US, more than 42,000 cases of oral cancer will be diagnosed this year.
Oral Neglect Statistic
Oral diseases are a neglected epidemic – virtually everyone is affected by them, yet little is done to treat and prevent them.
Medication Statistic
More than 500 medications negatively affect the oral cavity.
Oral Exam Statistic
A routine oral health exam can detect signs and symptoms of many health conditions.